Create a cover for your next bestseller in minutes

Welcome to Litcovers

The ultimate platform for creating eye-catching covers, posters, and more, quickly and easily. Our cutting-edge technology utilizes advanced artificial intelligence, along with intuitive text overlay tools, to help you craft professional-looking designs in no time.

Whether you're promoting your latest book, advertising an event, or simply looking to spruce up your social media profile, Litcovers has you covered. Get started today and unleash your creativity!

Stage one

Fast, non-binding registration.

Simple settings. You only need to choose the image format and the style in which it will be executed.

Enter a brief description of your book or an approximate image of what should be in the image.

You are ready to start - now you can start generating images.

With our system, you can easily and conveniently create images in unlimited quantities – pay for the result only when you get it.

You can change the image styles at any time, and adjust the description by removing, adding and changing the details you need.

Try it

Stage two

Unlimited generation – the result is guaranteed.

Adjust the settings – improve the result.

Change the description – leave only the right one.

Find the perfect result.

Examples of generated images:

Stage three

Increase the image quality to the maximum.

Work with a convenient text overlay tool and turn your image into a layout

Refine the layout to the level of a finished cover, ready for web publishing or printing.

Download the finished result and start publishing.

Examples of created covers: